Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Birthday Book

It is a tradition in our family for each child to receive a book of special pictures from the previous year on their birthday.  Typically the book makes a surprise appearance on the celebration shelf sometime before the big day and the birthday boy or girl takes note, sneaks a peek, and sets it back on display.  Last year Gabe was too little to care much about flipping through the pages of his baby year book.  However, this year we wrapped his book to give to him and after he opened it there wasn't a single other present that grabbed his attention.  As he first flipped through the pages he looked quite concerned about how familiar the main character looked.   

"That Gabika?"

"That Gabika!"

Once he figured it out he carefully looked through each page with a giant smile and animatedly pointed out what he was doing in every picture. 

He sat by each of us while we read the book together.

The pictures in this year's book were arranged around a slightly revised version of the lyrics in the Will.I. Am Sesame Street Song.

 It was so fun to see him enjoy it!  Seriously, it makes the book worth every tedious hour I spent working on the lay out.


  1. That is so sweet! What a great idea!

  2. I love the idea of having a birthday book all ready! I just finally made photo books for my daughter's second, third, and fourth years and she literally spent at least an hour after they arrived curled up next to me on the couch looking through them and asking me to read every single page.

  3. You are so talented! I have taken the easy way out and just done slide shows, but I do really hope to make some photo books some day. What software do you use?


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Encouraged by you,
Gabe & his Momma