Saturday, February 11, 2012

Parent & Child Session with Conductive Learning

Gabe and I made it through a 2 week session of Parent & Child  therapy at the Conductive Learning Center.  It was a great learning and stretching experience for both of us. 

 I entered the program very hesitantly.  There were many concerns about how we would carry out our typical family routines with this added commitment, as well as my concerns about how this type of therapy would interact with the work we have been doing with the Anat Baniel Method. 

I  loved watching Gabe listen and participate during table time: snack speech activities, and fine motor practice.  He especially enjoyed painting and chose the green paint every day! 

 One of the main goals I set for Gabe, during my conversation with the conductors at the beginning of the session, was for him to continue to loosen his upper body and reach for things above his head.  We found that with the proper motivation {and a bit of whining} he was able to do it.  

He also spent more time experimenting with upright movement cruising along the tables, pushing small carts, and walking with our hands.  

A large portion of the session was also focued on "potty skills."  That is my lay mom's term for the CLC's proven method for beginning tolieting awareness.   Gabe actually enjoyed his time on the potty and has adopted it as part of his routine at home.  As for me, during the 2 weeks I learned the art of singing in rhymes, singing in my sleep, singing for snacks, singing for poop...basically singing everything I might ever want to say:)  

Overall, we were very pleased with the program.  It was run professionally and purposefully.  Every minute of the day was choreographed to encourage Gabe to experiment with movement, to play, and to learn.  It was fun to see the way the way he interacted with his friend, as well as with other adults and their instructions.  We really feel like his attention and vocabulary both grew during the two weeks.  It was a great reminder of all that our children are capable of doing when we have high expectations for them.


  1. he and HE are amazing! :) Muah! I am trying to plan in one more Holland day before The Move. Hopefully it will work out that I can stop by?

  2. Wow that seems really early to introduce potty stuff. That's great that he liked it and you all got to learn how to sing for poop! LOL!

    Look at him reaching up! He is awesome!


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Encouraged by you,
Gabe & his Momma